SedonaWeb Master and Sub Accounts

Master Accounts

When a customer is registering their account and they are a Master Account customer (typically a dealer or a national account with many subaccounts), on the home page, the Site Listing tab is replaced by a new tab labeled “Sub Account”. Also under the Settings tab, a new option is displayed labeled “Manage Customer Logins”. Details on each of these options will be described below and on the following pages under this Master Accounts topic.

Sub Account

When clicking on the Sub Account tab from the home page, a listing of all sub accounts linked to the master account will be displayed.

Subaccount Details

While viewing the list of sub accounts, if you click on the Customer # link, the account being viewed will switch to that sub account customer.

Once the sub account customer record is displayed, you are able to navigate through all the tabs at the top as described earlier in this document.