How to Void a Customer Refund Check

This document will go over how to void a customer refund check that was printed.  These steps are being done in SedonaOffice version


The steps being preformed assume the user has the correct permissions needed to do them.  

  • Note: Checks that have already been cleared using the Bank Reconciliation may not be voided.


  1. Open customer – Click on Journal Detail – Find the refund check to be voided.  Verify the GL accounts that were used

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2. Click on SedonaOffice Tree – General Ledger – Account Register option.

3. The Account Register form will be displayed. Fill in Account Code of bank account the check to be voided - Enter From and Thru dates – Select Reg Type REFUND to narrow search – Click on the Green Arrow button located below the Reg Type field to search

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 4. A list of all REFUND transactions for the date range selected will be displayed. Double-click on the check to be voided.

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 5. The Write Checks form will be displayed.  Click the Voided Check in bottom left corner - Select the date on which you want to void the check.  Today's date will default, select a void date after the original check date and must be in an open accounting period – Click the Save button

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6. The Void Check confirmation message will be displayed; press the Yes button to complete the voiding of the check.

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7. In the customer Journal Detail the voided refund will appear

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8. Click on Credit Memos in the customer – Double click on the Credit on Account

9. The credit can now be deleted once opened

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10. If the credit will be used on another invoice or refunded back via ACH/CC – Right-click on the Open Credit showing in Open Credits and select the correct way the credit will be applied

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