Pay Bills Form Definitions

The Pay Bills form is comprised of a header area and a body area which contains three tabs of information. 
The Header area is used to select various option fields for the bills to be paid.  Each field in the Header will be described below. 
The Body of the Pay Bills form lists all bills that are due as of the date selected, Vendor Credits (only accessible if one Vendor is selected in the Header), and All Vendor Credits.  Each of the Body tabs will be described within this article. 

Pay Bills Header Information 

  • Branch (for debiting A/P) - By default all bills that are due for all branches are displayed in the Vendor Bills list. If your company is operating under multiple branches, a single branch may be selected.  If a single branch is selected, only the bills associated with that branch will be displayed in the Vendor Bills list. 
  • Vendor - By default all Vendor Bills that are due are displayed in the Vendor Bills list. If paying bills for a single Vendor or if Vendor Credits will be applied to the Bills marked for payment, a selection must be made from the drop-down list. Credits may only be applied with one Vendor selected. 
  • As Of Due Date - By default this field will fill with today's date. The User may change this to a date in the past or a date in the future. 
  • Show Vendor Code - When this option is selected, the Vendor Code is displayed in the Vendor column of the Vendor Bills list; otherwise the default is to display the full Vendor Name. 
  • Branch (for crediting Bank Account) - This will default to the default branch specified in SedonaSetup/Data Entry Defaults. The User may change this branch if desired.  Typically the Branch for Bill selection is the same as the Payment Branch.  If the Bill Branch selected is different than the Payment Branch is selected, SedonaOffice will automatically create an inter-branch transfer. Example: the Bill Branch selected is CA and the Payment Branch selected is MI; below is the Journal Entry made for the bill payment transaction. 
  • Payment Date - The date the payment will be deducted from the bank account or if using a credit card, the date the bill(s) will be marked paid and transferred to the credit card Vendor. 
  • Bank Account - The Bank Account will default to the default bank account specified in SedonaSetup/GL Account Defaults (AP). You may select any other bank account from the drop-down list. 
  • Credit Card - If this option is selected, the you will select which credit card Vendor will be used for paying the bill(s). To be able to pay by credit card, a GL Account must be setup with the GL Account type of CC and linked to a Credit Card Vendor. 

Pay Bills Body Information - Vendor Bills Tab
The Vendor Bills list will display all bills that are due as of the As Of Due Date specified in the Header of the Pay Bills form.  If the Bill is eligible for a discount, the Discount Date and the Discount Amount will be displayed. 

Pay Bills Body Information - Vendor Credits Tab
The Vendor Credits form is only available when selecting a single Vendor in the Header of the Pay Bills form.  This form displays a listing of all open credits for the Vendor selected in the Header area.

When using Vendor Credits, the application will automatically apply the credits to the oldest bills first. 
If a credit is to be applied to a particular bill, these must be handled on an individual basis.  For example, a bill for 200.00 is due among many other bills for the same Vendor, and a credit of 25.00 is available.  If you want the credit to be be applied to the bill for 200.00, first select the credit to be used from the Vendor Credits then select the 200.00 bill from the Vendor Bills list, then save.  Repeat this process until all credits are applied to the desired bills.  This will create multiple checks for the Vendor.

Pay Bills Body Information - All Vendor Credits Tab
The All Vendor Credits form displays a listing of all open credits for all Vendors.  Typically the User paying bills will review the list of credits available, then pay each of the Vendors separately for which credits will be used.  Once all Vendors have been paid where credits have been used, the remainder of bills are marked for payment.