Purchase Order List

The Purchase Order List Report produces a listing of all Purchase Orders which meets the criteria of the selection options selected.  Once the desired options have been selected on the report options form, click the OK button to display the report in Print Preview mode.

Report Selections

Ordered Date Range - The User must select the beginning and ending date for the report to determine what data will be displayed on the report.

Branch/Warehouse - The default is to display open receipts for All Branches/Warehouses.  If the receipts for only certain Branches/Warehouses is desired, you may press the Invert Selection button then check the box to the left of each Warehouse desired.

· Hide Inactive Branches/Warehouses - If data is not to be listed for inactive Branches and Warehouses, select this option.

Vendor - The default is to display open receipts for All Vendors.  If the receipts for only certain Vendors is desired, you may press the Invert Selection button then check the box to the left of each Vendor desired.

· Hide Inactive Vendors - If data is not to be listed for inactive Vendors, select this option.

Group By - Options are available for grouping the report; select the desired option from the drop-down list.  Group by options include Vendor, Branch, Warehouse or Category.

Sort By - Options are available for sorting the report; select the desired option from the drop-down list.  Sort by options include PO Number, Order Date and Due Date.

Options - By default all of the options Include Closed Orders and Repair Orders are not selected.  Selecting the box to the left of any of the options will include that item from the report results.

Include Open Orders  Warehouse POs          Include Orders for Service      Show Detail Include Closed Orders Direct Expense POs     Include orders for Jobs

                                                               Repair Orders                    Include Other Orders