How to Change Billing from Subaccount to Billing to Master

How to bill subaccounts is different for every customer.  This document will go over how to change billing the subaccount to billing the master.   Document uses examples from SedonaOffice version


The easiest way to tell if a master account is actually being billed for all the subaccount is to click on Sub Account under Customer Information and look in the right bottom frame for the subaccount list.  

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There are four columns – if amounts are in the Master RMR/RAR then that subaccount is being billed in the master account.  If the amounts are in the Sub RMR/RAR then the amounts are being billed at the subaccount level.


  1. To move the RMR from the Subaccount to the Master Account – Click on the subaccount from the list – Click into the System Recurring and open the RMR.

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  1. Make sure the Receivable to Master is Checked and the Bill To address displayed is the Master Address – Click Save once done.  

  1. If service tickets are also to be billed at the Master – then will need to right click on the site – Edit site – click on the Bill To Box – Select the Master Bill To Address

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(this site is using the subaccount Bill To for service invoices) – Click Save after any adjustments

  1. To verify the changes, go back into the Master account - Click on the subaccounts and look at the list again to see if any were missed