How to mark Commissions as Paid

You can Mark Commissions as Paid to remove a Job from a Commissions Report.

If the Job is currently closed, then you will need to Re-open the Job. 

This will only affect the Reporting and will not affect GL.

Job – Custom Fields

Once the Job is Opened/ Re-opened, then go to the "Custom Fields" Tab in the Job.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Under the Check Boxes section there should be a box for "Job Commissions Paid*"

By selecting that box and Apply, this will mark All commissions on that Job as Paid and remove that job from the Report.  

If you need this to show in the GL:

Then Once the Job is Re-opened, you can add a Negative Change Order to the Commission to offset the positive Commission on the Job.

Another option is to do manual journal entries that are tied to those jobs and the Salesmen to offset the Commission on the Job.