Job Type - Detail Setup

There are several fields contained on the Job Type Detail form, each of which is defined below.

  • Category – Select the category from the drop-down list that will be used as a default when posting income and expense transactions for this Job Type.
  • Material WIP – Select the G/L account number from the drop-down list that will be used for posting material WIP transactions.  This account is used when inventory parts are issued to the job or returned to a warehouse from a job.
  • COGS Acct - Select the G/L account number from the drop-down list that will be used for posting part expense transactions.
  • Use COGS Acct – This field is used in conjunction with the When Amt >= field below.  If you want to use a different material cost of goods sold account for inventory parts that have a cost of at least a certain amount, you may select that account number in this field.  This is typically used if you want to capitalize parts over a certain unit cost.
  • When Amt >= - This field is used in conjunction with the Use COGS Acct field (above).  If a part is issued to a job with a cost that is greater than or equal to the value entered in this field, then the G/L account number entered in the Use COGS Acct field will be used for the expense side of the transaction.
  • Misc WIP – Select the G/L account number that will be used for posting miscellaneous job expenses into work in process.
  • Accrued Income - If a G/L account number is entered in this field, all invoices generated for the job will post to this accrual account.  When the job closes, the income will be transferred to the income accounts associated with the invoice items on the job invoices.
  • Lease – This is field is for informational and reporting purposes only. If the Job Type is for installing a leased system, you may select this box.
  • Allow Override Tasks – If this box is selected, a new setup form will display on the Job Type labeled Override Job Tasks. This allows you to have a primary task list and create a secondary task list for the same Job Type. An override task list would typically be used when the task list for the same type of installation may vary from one situation to another.
  • The best example would be a system installation that may require tasks for pre-wiring the site and in other situations you may not need to perform a pre-wire. In this scenario you would define the primary task list for the situation that would occur in most often. You would then create an Override Task list to fit the other installation situation. When a new job is created, the user will have the option of keeping the primary task list or switching to the override task list assigned to the Job Type.
  • Percentage Invoicing - Select this checkbox if the Job Type will be used for percentage invoicing situations only. When using this option, you must pre-define, on the Job Task List, the points at which the Job may be Invoiced and what percentage of the total charges will be invoiced at each Invoicing opportunity.
  • Allow Costing to Closed Jobs – If this checkbox is selected, users may post costs to jobs that have already been closed.
  • Expense Part When Used – If this checkbox is selected, inventory parts issued to the job will be expensed immediately. Do not select this option if you are using work in process.
  • Force Part Reconciliation – If this checkbox is selected, a user will not be allowed to close a job if all parts have not been properly issued or if there are open purchase orders associated with the job.
  • Hold Back % - If the Job Type (always or from time to time) dictates your customer will hold back a certain percentage of the amount invoiced until the job is completed (Retainage), enter an amount in this field. After filling in the next two fields, return to this field and change the value to zero. This will allow you to use Hold Backs on individual Jobs without having to create one particular Job Type to be used only for Hold Back Jobs.
  • If a Hold Back Item and Hold Back Account is assigned to a Job Type, but the Hold Back % is set to zero, the Job Type may be used for hold back situations or non-hold back situations. However, if you want to use the Job Type for a Hold Back situation, the hold back % will not automatically be calculated on the customer Invoice; hold back amounts would need to be manually entered by the User on the invoice.
  • Hold Back Item – Select the Invoice Item that will be used when an invoice is created for the hold back Job Type (same G/L Account as the next field). The Invoice Item selected should be setup with the Item Type of OC (Other Charge), flagged as non-taxable, and linked to your Hold Back asset account.
  • Hold Back Acct – Select the G/L account number that will be used when invoicing the customer for job hold backs at the end of the job, or at intermediate points during the Job. This G/L account is an asset type account (OCA).
  • EST LU Cost (Estimated Labor Unit Cost) - This optional field is used to establish a standard labor rate to be used to calculate the estimated labor costs for a job. On the Job’s Job Costing form, a button is available to automatically calculate the estimated labor dollars for the job. If a value is entered in this field, the application will add all labor units from Parts and all labor units entered on Install charge lines then multiply the total times the value entered in the Est LU Cost field.
  • Zero Part Price - This checkbox option controls whether the sales price for each part on the Materials setup form of a Job will default into the unit price field for all parts on the Job Materials list. If this checkbox is selected, all Job part sales prices will be set to zero. If this checkbox is not selected the application will default to the part setup sales price. This option is typically select if you are invoicing your customer under a lump-sum contract amount.
  • Material Item - This field is used for Jobs imported from a WeEstimate quote. If Parts will be individually invoiced for the Job, this will be the Item Code that will be used for posting the Income side of the Invoice transaction.