Credit Requests Overview

The Credit Request function allows your company to control the process of when, for whom and for what amount a Credit Memo is generated to a customer account.  When this feature is enabled, your company may develop a sign-off process so that a senior member of your staff may review requests for credits and then have the option of approving the request and generating the Credit Memo, declining the request or modifying the requested amount and generating the Credit Memo.  This functionality provides greater control over the number and amount of Credit Memos granted to your customers.  A sign-off process is not required to use Credit Requests.

Once the Credit Requests functionality is activated, Users will no longer have the ability to manually create a Credit Memo or have available the right-click functions on the invoice, to credit off the balance of an invoice or create a credit from an invoice.  All Credit Memos must go through the Credit Request process. 

When creating a Credit Request, the User has three options:

  • The User creates a Credit Template selecting which Invoice Items and amounts are to be used for the Credit Memo.
  • Select an invoice on the customer’s account for which the Credit Memo will be generated.
  • Select an invoice on the customer’s account for which the Credit Memo will be generated and automatically create an invoice on another customer’s account using the same Invoice Items that were used on the originating customer’s Invoice being credited off.  This feature would be used if the incorrect customer was invoiced.
  • Credit off sales tax and create a new invoice with a different tax group.

There is some setup required to begin using the Credit Request functionality, which will be described below under the heading of Credit Requests Setup.


Before activating and using Credit Requests, it must first be determined which Users will be allowed to create Credit Requests, which Users will be able to approve Credit Requests and a dollar amount that the User Group is allowed to approve.  Each User is linked to one or more User Groups; make certain the User Groups that you assign a credit limit will apply to the Users you want to grant these new permissions.  You may have to re-design your User Group Security to accommodate Credit Request processing.  Your company may create new User Groups for the Credit Request Processing and assign the Users involved in the process to the appropriate User Group.