When highlighting the Systems menu option from the customer tree, the Active Pane will display a list of all System records that exist for the Customer. When expanding the customer tree for the System record, several tree options are listed. As each of these menu options is highlighted, the Active Pane will display any information linked to this System record. If your company is using the Central Station Tracking feature, expanding this tree will display the following options: Access Cards, Call Lists, Instructions, Monitoring, Schedule, Test and Zones. As each menu option is highlighted, the Active Pane will display any information entered into these forms. Each of these menu options are described below.
Right-clicking on the word Systems from the customer tree will display a list of the following options:
- New System – Selecting this option will open the New System from for creating a new System record for the Site.
- Refresh – Selecting this option will update the System information in the Active Pane.
Several of the system menu options have right-click options available.
Central Station Tracking
The Central Station Tracking menu option will only be displayed if this option has been activated in SedonaSetup. When the Central Station Tracking menu option is expanded a list of additional options is displayed, each option is described below. When highlighting one of these menu options, the Active Pane will display any information entered for the selected option.
For instructions on how to use any of the Central Station Tracking option, click on the link below:
Central Station TrackingCentral Station Tracking
Note: Central Station Tracking is not available to SedonaOffice customers integrating with Bold Manitou or Stages Monitoring software.
Access Cards – This option is used to track information about access cards sold to and issued to the customer for the System.
Call Lists – This option is used to enter a list of individuals who could be called if an alarm signal is received by the central station.
Instructions – This option is used to enter information to be used by central station operators. Instructions may be marked as Permanent or considered Temporary if the Date Range option is selected. Instructions may be set up for some or all zones or for a specific signal type.
Monitoring – This option is used to track services for which your company is paying an outside central station for monitoring the system. Each service entered is linked to a recurring item for which your customer is being invoiced for this service. Using this option provides a good check and balance to make certain recurring lines have been set up to invoice your customer for the services being provided by the central station.
Schedule – This option is used to setup and maintain Open/Close Schedules for the System.
Test – This option is used to setup and maintain Test Schedules for the System.
Zones – This option is used to enter and maintain Zone information for a monitored System.
To be able to enter or edit existing central station tracking data, you must first open the System record in edit mode, then click on the C/S Info button which is located at the bottom of the form.