Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable Menu
The Accounts Payable module contains many functions that are typically used by clerical and senior accounting staff and individuals working with Purchase Orders.  Each option within the module is secured by User Group Security permissions.  All options within the Accounts Payable Module are covered in depth under the Accounts Payable topic heading.

Bills – Selecting this option will display a blank accounts payable Bill form.
Credits – Selecting this option will display a blank accounts payable Vendor Credit form.
Pay Bills – This option is used to mark multiple accounts payable bills for payment and is also used for applying vendor credits to bills.
Print Checks – This option is used to print accounts payable checks that have been selected for payment using the Pay Bills function or checks sent to the check printing queue using the Write Checks function.  Customer refund checks are also printed from this option.
Print Purchase Orders – This option is used for bulk printing of Purchase Orders.
Purchase Orders – Selecting this option will open the Purchase Order list.  From this list a User with appropriate permissions may create, receive, modify or view a Purchase Order.
Recurring Items – This option is used to create and maintain a list of bills and/or payments that will recur on a periodic basis.
Suggested PO List – This option is used to generate a suggested parts ordering list based upon minimum and maximum stock levels set up on parts within individual warehouses.  This function is only available to companies that are using Stock Tracking.
Vendors – This option is used to view and maintain accounts payable Vendor information.
Write Checks – This option is used to write manual accounts payable checks.
AP Query Builder – This option will open the AP (Accounts Payable) Query Builder tool.  This is a built in report writer with which Users may develop, save and print reports based on Accounts Payable data stored within your SedonaOffice database.  General instructions on how to use this tool are covered in the Client Management section of this Help.
Comdata Interface – This option integrates with Comdata to send A/P Bills to Comdata for payment.  This is an add-on module.  For more information contact the SedonaOffice sales department.

Export Checks – This option will exports bills marked for payment to a .csv file which is then uploaded to the bank for processing payments to vendors.  This file format was designed specifically for one SedonaOffice customer with specifications for TD Bank only.