Stock Adjustments Overview and Topics

From time to time, It may be necessary to make stock adjustments in between physical inventories.  This may be for the purpose of adjusting the on hand value and/or the on hand quantity of a part within a warehouse.  The stock adjustments may be performed from a Warehouse Explorer or a Part Explorer.  

For parts setup with the Average Cost Method, on the Stock Adjustment form is a checkbox labeled Force New Value; by checking this box, and entering an amount in the New Value field, you are telling the system the exact dollar amount of the adjustment.  If this box is not checked, the dollar amount of the adjustment is based on the current Average Cost of the part within the warehouse.  The Force New Value checkbox is used when the Value On Hand for a part has become greatly under or over inflated due an erroneous transaction.  A transaction that may cause this problem could be a part was purchased at a special price for a particular project that is greatly different than the normal purchase price.  This situation will only occur if your company is using the Average Costing method.
For parts setup with the Standard Cost Method, the current Standard Cost in the Warehouse will be used to record the adjustment.

Click on the links below to create a stock adjustment.

Create a Stock Adjustment from a Part Explorer

Create a Stock Adjustment from a Warehouse Explorer