Part Price Levels

You have the ability to setup up to 10 Customer Part Price Levels.  Part Price Levels may be created with one total default price or may be a combination of a base price plus a labor factor (number of labor units x labor rate).  Once price levels have been established, they may be assigned to individual Customer Accounts.  

On the Customer Setup Information form is a field to select which price level should be used for the customer.  If Price Level 1 through 10 is selected for the Customer, then any parts sold on Service Tickets or Jobs will default to the values entered on the Part Pricing Level setup (if any). 

If the Part Pricing Level of None is selected on the Customer, then the software will use the normal rules to default the sales price of the part.

1.   To setup Part Price Levels, open a Part in Edit Mode.  On the Part Detail form, click on the  icon to the right of either the Sales Price field or the Service Price 1 field.  The price level information entered is used for both Sales and Service; you need only setup the price levels once for the part.

2.   The Part Pricing Level form will be displayed.  Depending on your company policy enter the values for the part's pricing.  There are three methods that may be used:

  • Enter a lump sum sales price in the Price field to be used as the total sales price.
  • Enter an amount in the Price field and also enter a value for the Labor Units and for the Labor Rate.  The total part price calculation will be Price + (Labor Units x Labor Price).
  • Enter values for Labor Units and Labor Rate only.  The total part price calculation will be Labor Units x Labor Rate.

Each Price level may use a different combination of the available variables to arrive at the final part price.

When finised entering information on the Part Pricing Levels form, click the Save button,  then click the Save button at the bottom of the Part Detail form.