SedonaOffice Minimum Hardware & Software Requirements

Below are the minimum SedonaOffice (and add-on modules) hardware & software requirements.

Use the links to jump to a certain section.


SedonaOffice SQL Server 

SedonaWeb System 



REST API & SedonaWeb 2.0

Sedona-X Mobile App 

SedonaWeb 1.0

SedonaFSU (legacy)

SedonaOffice System Requirements 

Basic Workstation: 

  • Intel or AMD CPU (Multi Core) 2.0 GHz+ (example: Intel® Core™ i5-4430 Processor) 
  • Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, 
  • 4 Gig of Ram 
  • Hard Drive 60Gb+ (minimum of 250megs free) 
  • Monitor capable of 1024 by 768 resolution 
  • 10/100/1000Mbs Network Card (TCP/IP) 

Basic Server (Up to 20 Workstations*): 

  • Intel or AMD Server Class CPU (Multi Core) 2.0 GHz+ (example: Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-4603)
  • Microsoft Windows 2012, 2012 R2 or 2016 Server Standard x64 
  • SQL  2012, 2014, 2016 or 2019 Standard x64 
  • 8+ Gigs of Ram 
  • Raid 1 (or better) Hard Drive for Operating System (+120GB) 
  • Raid 1 (or better) Hard Drive for Databases (+160GB) 
  • 10/100/1000Mbs Network Card (TCP/IP) 

Advanced Server (21 to 50 Workstations*): 

  • Intel or AMD Server Class CPU (Multi Core) 2.4 GHz+ (example: Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-4640)
  • Microsoft Windows 2012, 2012 R2 or 2016 Server Standard x64 
  • SQL 2012, 2014, 2016 or 2019 Standard x64 
  • 16+ Gigs of Ram 
  • Raid 1 (or better) Hard Drive for Operating System (+120GB) 
  • Raid 5 (or better) Hard Drive for Databases (+300GB) 
  • 10/100/1000Mbs Network Card (TCP/IP) 

 Enterprise Server (51 to 100+ Workstations **): 

  • Dual Intel or AMD Server Class CPUs (Multi Core) 3.0 GHz+ (example: Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1680 v3) 
  • Microsoft Windows 2012, 2012 R2 or 2016 Server Standard x64 
  • SQL 2012, 2014, 2016 or 2019 Standard x64 
  • 24+ Gigs of Ram 
  • Raid 1 (or better) Hard Drive for Operating System (+120GB) 
  • Raid 5 (or better) Hard Drive for Database (+300GB) 
  • 10/100/1000Mbs Network Card (TCP/IP)

 SedonaOffice SQL Server Requirements

  • SQL 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2019 Standard Edition or better (x64)
  • Windows 2012 Server Standard (or newer)
  • MUST be installed as the ‘DEFAULT’ instance of SQL
  • MUST use ‘Mixed Mode’ security
  • Firewalls MUST have ports 1433 and 4992 (TCP and UDP) open
  • Virtual Machines: best practice includes I-SCSI or similar direct hard drive access

“Can I run SQL / SedonaOffice on a Virtual Machine?”

Yes, if you plan accordingly. SQL Server relies heavily on hard drive access and virtual machines are notorious for slow drive performance. Luckily, most virtual machine vendors have special drive interfaces that allow you to access a physical hard drive instead of a virtual one. Microsoft’s Hyper-V uses a direct drive access technology called ‘I-SCSI’, other VM vendors may use different names but the end results are the same, the VM needs direct ‘physical’ hard drive access. We have done extensive testing of SQL Server 2005 to 2019 in virtual environments and SedonaOffice performs brilliantly, provided we take proper care to choose the proper hard drive arrangements. Tested Virtual Platforms include (but not limited to): Hyper-V, ESX, ESXi, V-Sphere, XEN, Virtual Box

Add-on Applications

SedonaWeb System Requirements

  • Microsoft Server 2012, 2012 R2 or 2016 Web Edition or better
  • Internet Information Server (IIS) 7 or better 
  • .Net 4 
  • 50MB available hard drive space 
  • Open TCP port 1433 between the IIS Server and primary SQL Server 
  • Open TCP port 443 (port 80 optional) to the public internet
  • Static public IP address tied to DNS entry 
  • Public DNS entry for SedonaWeb (example 
  • SSL Certificate from a public Certificate provider (example GoDaddy or Verisign) that matches your DNS entry 

Special Configuration Considerations: SedonaWeb is designed to be accessible from the general internet. It is not recommended you run SedonaWeb on your SQL Server, but on a dedicated standalone server. SedonaWeb and BoldNet can be installed on the same server as long as the server runs IIS 7 (or better). SedonaWeb will not run under a sub folder of an existing site, please plan on dedicating a site, IP address and host header binding strictly for SedonaWeb. SedonaWeb is a one to one binding to pre-configured SedonaOffice company. If you plan on publishing more than one SedonaOffice company online. 

SedonaDocs System Requirements

  • SedonaDocs can be run on (and it is recommended) the same SQL Server as the primary databases.
  • You should have a minimum of 250GB’s of free hard drive space available to allow database growth.
  • SedonaDocs can be hosted on a separate server if you chose, as long as that server has SQL Server installed.
  • You must have SQL 2012 or newer to use SedonaDocs 


  • Any workstation with SedonaOffice installed can access SedonaDocs. 
  • The workstation must have compatible viewers for any format that documents are to be saved in. Examples include MS Word, Adobe Reader, Paintshop, etc.
  • The C++ 2010 Runtimes and .Net 4 (available through the SedonaOffice Client tools) are required to use direct document scanning. Scanners
  • For direct document scanning, any TWAIN or WIA based scanner with a USB interface ‘should’ work with SedonaDocs. 
  • Network bases and non-compliant scanners may not work and are not officially supported.
  • Fijitsu ‘SnapScan’ scanners are known NOT to work with SedonaDocs. 
  • HP Office Jet PRO 8600 scanners are known NOT to work with SedonaDocs. 
  • As common scanner protocols are difficult to narrow down, we cannot absolutely guarantee any scanners compatibility.
  • Known compatible devices include HP 5590, HP 6600, HP 4500, Kodak i1120, Kodak i2400 and Epson Office USB based scanners SedonaOffice 

Terminal Servers Note: the following is not applicable to SedonaCloud customers. 

  • RDP protocols do not natively support scanners, so to use scanners across a remote desktop session you will need to look into 3rd party controls designed to map scanners. USB for Remote Desktop has been shown to work (http://www. but this is not the only available product. 
  • For Terminal Users to open documents, the appropriate viewer is required to be installed on the server. Example, if a client tried to open a .pdf file, then a .pdf view 

SedonaSync System Requirements 

Supported Platforms

The supported platforms for the SedonaSync Server are shown. These are installed by the end user:

  • Windows Server 2012 R2, 2016, or 2019, Windows Workstation 8, 8.1 or 10 (A Server OS is recommended)
  • Web server: IIS
  • Database Server: Microsoft SQL Server 2012, 2014, 2016, or 2017 (Express, Standard, and Enterprise editions)
  • Web Browser: Chrome (version 45 or higher), Microsoft Edge
  • Clients (SedonaSync users) will access SedonaSync via a web browser from their workstations. Supported web browsers are Google Chrome (version 45 or higher) and Microsoft Edge.

These are installed by SedonaSync:

  • Crystal Reports: Crystal Reports Runtime 13.0.20
  • WinWrap Basic


The IIS components listed below satisfy the minimum requirements to run the SedonaSync web application. If other IIS components are enabled, they do not need to be removed.

Web Server Management Tools
  • Common HTTP Features
    • Default Document
    • Static Content
  • Security 
    • Request Filtering
    • Basic Authentication
    • Windows Authentication
  • Application Development
    • .NET Extensibility 4.6
    • .NET Extensibility 
    • ASP.NET 4.6
    • ASP.NET
    • ISAPI Extenstions
    • ISAPI Filters
  •  IIS Management Console
  • IIS 6 Management Compatibility
    • IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
  • IIS Management Scripts and Tools
  • Management Service

SQL Server

You must have access to Microsoft SQL Server on either your local computer, network, or hosted service.

If using a separate web server (machine hosting IIS) and application server (machine where SedonaSync service is installed), both must have the SQL Server Client installed.

Crystal Reports

SedonaSync V10 requires and will install Crystal Reports Runtime 13.0.20 to render Crystal Reports. However, if there is already an existing version of the Crystal Reports runtime on the machine, the SedonaSync installer will not prompt to install version 13.0.20. This could cause issues generating reports through SedonaSync. The recommended configuration in this case is to install SedonaSync on a separate server.


WinWrap is the scripting engine used by SedonaSync V10. This product uses WinWrap® Basic, Copyright 1993-2017 Polar Engineering, Inc., 

REST API & SedonaWeb 2.0

System Requirements:

  • Windows Server running 2012 R2 and IIS 8.5 or higher and .NET 4.6.2 or higher.
  • Install .Net Core Hosting Bundle 2.0 (.Net Core Runtime) hosting-bundle-installer

Install Redis for windows:

  • x64-3.2.100.msi
  • Domain User that can Access Sql as a SysAdmin
  • Set up a placeholder IIS site with bindings to the DNS that is accessible to the internet.
  • Open TCP port 1433 between the IIS Server and primary SQL Server
  • Open TCP port 443 to the public internet
  • Static public IP address tied to DNS entry
  • Public DNS entry for SedonaAPI (example
  • SSL Certificate from a public Certificate provider. Or use to generate a free SSL.

Sedona-X Mobile App System Requirements


  • SedonaOffice Version
  • SedonaLimited API Version 1.25.X
  • Server is on Microsoft .Net 4.6.1


  • Android 
  • iOS


  • Android 4.4 or above
  • iOS 8 or above

SedonaWeb 1.0

  • Microsoft Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012 or 2012 R2 Web Edition or better
  • Internet Information Server (IIS) 7 or better
  • .Net 4
  • 50MB available hard drive space
  • Open TCP port 1433 between the IIS Server and primary SQL Server
  • Open TCP port 443 (port 80 optional) to the public internet
  • Static public IP address tied to DNS entry
  • Public DNS entry for SedonaWeb (example
  • SSL Certificate from a public Certificate provider (example GoDaddy or Verisign)  that matches your DNS entry

Special Configuration Considerations: SedonaWeb is designed to be accessible from the general internet. It is not recommend you run SedonaWeb on your SQL Server, but on a dedicated stand alone server. SedonaWeb and BoldNet can be installed on the same server as long as the server runs IIS 7. SedonaWeb will not run under a sub folder of an existing site, please plan on dedicating a site, IP address and host header binding strictly for SedonaWeb.

You MUST have your public IP address routed to the IIS Server and DNS Entries in place prior to installation.

SedonaWeb is a one to one binding to pre-configured SedonaOffice company. If you plan on publishing more then one SedonaOffice company online the you must have IP addresses, SSL Certificates and DNS Entries for each company.

Hosting for SedonaWeb on our servers is available at an additional charge, please contact sales@boldgroup for more information.

SedonaFSU (Legacy)


  • SedonaFSU uses a direct SSL connection between our IIS Server Cluster and your SQL Server via a static VPN connection.
  • Your SQL Server requires the ability to communicate outbound to IP port 1194 via UDP.
  • The connection uses a product called OpenVPN to create the data connection between your SQL Server and our IIS hosting facility. More information on OpenVPN can be found here:
  • Our implementation of OpenVPN  uses a TLS SSL/TLS + certificates (2056k in length) for authentication / key exchange and generated to be valid only on your server.
  • The connection is started (and run as a service to maintain 24/7 connectivity) from your SQL Server, most firewalls will allow this to pass through without additional configuration on your part.
  • Bandwidth requirements are small, only about 2k per SedonaFSU user while retrieving information.
  • The SedonaFSU client to IIS Server connection is locked with our SSL Certificate.
  • Credit card acceptance, when implemented, will use a direct IIS via SSL to ACH Direct method so sensitive information is never transmitted to your SQL Server, only tokens.
  • All other information required is transmitted directly from your SQL Server to our IIS Servers then out to your FSU devices via a Silverlight application built into a web page.
  • Security arrangements available upon request.
  • SedonaFSU is built using Microsoft Silverlight, any browser that supports Silverlight should have the ability to run SedonaFSU. If Silverlight is not found on the netbook, notebook or tablet it will ask the user to download  and install it before proceeding.

Silverlight Compatibility

To date we have tested SedonaFSU using the following OS’s and Browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 9, 10 and 11 (Windows)
  • Firefox (Windows)
  • Safari (OSX)
  • As of April 14th, 2015 Google Chrome (Windows and OSX) is NOT supported

Devices known to be running SedonaFSU in the field include (but not limited to):

  • Dell Duo
  • Dell SC Tablet
  • Acer Icona
  • Motion Computing CL-900
  • HP Slate

As long as the device runs Windows Windows 7,8 or 10 then SedonaFSU should be compatible.

Non compatible OS’s:

  • Android
  • Symbian

These OS’s do NOT support Silverlight at this time. If these manufactures decide to ‘officially’ support Silverlight in the future, it may be possible to use SedonaFSU on these devices.