EFT Setup Changes - Upgrading to SedonaOffice 6.X

For companies upgrading from any version of SedonaOffice less than 6.0, several setups need to be accomplished before upgrading.

Pre-Update Requirements

  1. You must designate an employee/resource to serve as a Subject Matter Expert during the upgrade process. This person should be someone who uses Sedona Office the most in your company and has a central focus on Accounting/Payment Processing.
    • This person should also have Administrative permissions to ensure all staff processing payments are coded correctly within SedonaSetup.
  2. You must plan to have a 24-72 hr window for the upgrade to ensure your stored banking accounts are valid, ready for tokenization, and PCI compliant. If possible, schedule the process to begin at or after your fiscal month end to minimize impact.

To jump to each section, click below:

Chart of Accounts

Invoice Items

Invoice Descriptions


Setup Processing for AR

Forte Account Setup

Post-Upgrade Requirements

Creating API Credentials

Chart of Accounts

Create two new G/L Accounts.  These new accounts will be used for processing EFT Refunds and for handling Previously Funded transactions. You may create these new accounts after upgrading to version 6, however, we recommend this be done prior to the upgrade so you do not forget to do this later.

Create a new account with the account type of OCL (Other Current Liability).  Use the description as shown below.  This G/L account will be used for manually processing EFT Refunds.

Create a new account with the account type of OCA (Other Current Asset).  Use the description as shown below.  This G/L account will be used for processing Previously Funded EFT transactions.

Invoice Items

Create two new Invoice Items.  These new invoice items will be used for processing EFT Refunds and Previously Funded transactions.  You may create these new invoice items after upgrading to version 6, however, we recommend this be done prior to the upgrade so you do not forget to do this later.

The first invoice item will be used when creating a customer credit memo which will be converted into an EFT Refund. 

  • Select the Item Type of OC
  • Enter the Item Code of EFT Refund
  • In the Account field, select the OCL G/L account setup on the prior page.
  • Uncheck the Taxable, Available in Sales, and Available in Service checkboxes.

The second invoice item will be used by the software to process Previously Funded transactions. 

  • Select the Item Type of OC
  • Enter the Item Code of Returned Payment Z-Trans
  • In the Account field, select the OCA G/L account setup on the prior page.
  • Uncheck the Taxable, Available in Sales, and Available in Service checkboxes.

Invoice Descriptions

Create one new Invoice Description record; enter as shown below.  This will be used when processing EFT Refunds.  You may create this new invoice description after upgrading to version 6, however, we recommend this be done prior to the upgrade so you do not forget to do this later.


Each Merchant ID must be associated with one or more branches.  Each branch must have a Merchant ID associated with it.  Only one Merchant ID may be associated with a single branch.

Click on a Branch in the upper tier of the form, then in the lower tier, in the Merchant ID field, and make the appropriate selection from the drop-down list. When finished, click the Apply button to save.  Repeat the same process for each of your branches.

Note: The token issued by Forte will always be associated with the Merchant ID under which it was created. For this reason, users may not change the branch on a customer to one which is associated with a different Merchant ID.  If a customer needs to be changed to a branch associated with a different merchant id, a token conversion must be done by Forte and the assigned merchant id must be updated in your SedonaOffice database by a BoldGroup data support specialist.

Setup Processing for AR

In the EFT Returned Payment Invoice Item field, select the Returned Payment Z-Trans invoice item that was created.  This invoice item is used by the software for processing Previously Funded transactions.

Forte Account Setup

Any transaction in EFT processing that has not been submitted to Forte, must be submitted before updating to 6.1+.  This does not include transactions with hold dates. 

If you update to 6.1+ then and attempt to submit new transactions to Forte via the old EFT processing, the transactions will fail.   

  1. Contact Forte to receive a Dex Account invite and access to the Forte Test environment.  Forte Contact Info:   

  • By Email:  integration@forte.net or customerservice@forte.net   

  • By Phone:  866-290-5400 x 766  

  1. Request a Dex Invite with test server access credentials.  

  1. The Dex invite will come from Dex@forte.net  

  1. You should receive a Dex invite within 1-2 business days of your request.  

  1. Once you receive your invite, follow Forte’s instructions to register your account which can be found here or contact Forte for assistance: https://console.forte.net/help/merchant/#users/registering_your_account.htm%3FTocPath% 3DHome%7C_____1  

The following information is obtained from the Dex Portal.  This information will be entered into the SedonaOffice EFT Setup form in SedonaSetup. 

  • Merchant ID   

  • Access ID  

  • Secure Key  

  • Organization ID