Master Accounts Overview and Topics

Master Accounts are a customer structure designed to accommodate customers with a large number of Site locations.  The structure of a Master Account contains an additional level called a Subaccount.  Attached to each Master Account are one or more Subaccounts.  Subaccounts are regular customers which have the Customer/Site/System structure and are linked to a single Master Account.
On the Master Account record is an option which indicates whether invoices created for a Subaccount will go to the receivables for the Master Account or the Subaccount.
A Master Account structure does not contain Site or System records; the Master Account is designed to group several Customers together under one account and simplifies the account management for these individual customers.  
Recurring Lines are set up at the Subaccount level and the recurring line may be flagged to invoice to the Master Account or directly to the Subaccount.  A Subaccount may have multiple recurring lines; some may invoice to the Master Account and others may invoice directly to the Subaccount.  Recurring is typically set up in this manner under two common conditions: 1) when your company is performing third-party billing for Dealers or 2) the Master Account is a property management company and the Subaccounts are tenants in an office building; certain services may bill to the property management company and other services may bill directly to the tenant.

Follow the links below for topics related to Master Accounts and Subaccounts.


Master Account
The core of the Master Account Structure is the Master Account record.  The Master Account record contains the name of the Master Account, branch, terms used for invoicing, the salesperson assigned to the Master Account and many other option settings used for invoicing operations.
Master Account Bill To
Attached to each Master Account record are one or more Bill To records.  A Bill To record contains the billing name, address, and email address to which invoices and statements created for the Master Account will be sent.  A Master Account may have multiple Bill To records however only one Bill To record may be designated as the Primary.
Attached to each Master Account record are one or more Subaccount records.  A Subaccount is a customer/site record attached to a Master Account.  A Subaccount record contains the name of the Subaccount, branch, terms used for invoicing, the salesperson assigned to the Subaccount and other option settings used for invoicing operations.  A Master Account usually has multiple Subaccount records.
Subaccount Bill To
Attached to each Subaccount record are one or more Bill To records.  A Bill To record contains the billing name, address, and email address to which invoices and statements created for the Subaccount will be sent.  A Subaccount may have multiple Bill To records.
Subaccount Site
Also attached to each Subaccount record is a Site record.  Each Subaccount must have at least one Site record.  A Site is the physical property address of where your company has equipment installed or is providing services.  The Site record contains the name of the site, address, branch, tax groups and other site related information.  Some financial transactions record the branch associated with the site to the general ledger.  Subaccounts may have multiple Sites; each Site is linked to a primary Bill To record for invoicing purposes.  When invoices are created, the User has the option of changing the Bill To for that particular invoice if more than one Bill To record exists for the Subaccount.

The last element of the Subaccount is the System record.  A System is the type of equipment that is installed at a Site.  System types are typically described as Intrusion, Fire, Access Control, CCTV, etc.  A System record is attached to a Site record.  Multiple Systems may be attached to a single Site record.  The System record is required if your company will be using Service Tickets, Inspection Tickets or Installation Jobs.  A System record is also required if your company is using Manitou central station software and will be linking Manitou records to SedonaOffice records.
Recurring Lines
If your company is invoicing for recurring services such as monitoring, service agreements, or other recurring type services, a Recurring Line would be created for each type of service being invoiced to the Subaccount or the Master Account.  Each recurring line specifies the type of service, the billing cycle (frequency the recurring line will be invoiced), and the amount to be invoiced.  The recurring line is linked to a Bill To record.
Recurring Lines are typically attached to a System record.  A Recurring Line may be attached at the Site level if your company does not service the account or will not be installing equipment at the site.