Acknowledge PO's

Acknowledging Purchase Orders was designed to be used as an internal company approval system for PO's.  If using this feature, once a Purchase Order is created, it is the responsibility of a Purchasing Manger or other designated staff member to review created purchase orders and to mark them as "Acknowledged" if they are approved for ordering. 

The person acknowledging the PO would send an email to the creator of the PO informing them the PO was approved, or have PO Creators monitor the open purchase Order list to seen when a PO is acknowledged. 

If your company has purchased SedonaSync, an event may be created to automatically send an email to the originator of the PO to advise the PO has been acknowledged.

If a purchase order is not acknowledged, this does not stop an employee from actually placing an order with a Vendor - this is an internal control only.

If your company will be using this feature, you must grant the desired User Group(s) the permission to Acknowledge PO's.  This permission setting is found in SedonaSetup under the User Groups setup table.

2.  If the PO is approved, check the Acknowledge checkbox then click on the OK button at the upper right of the Purchase Order form, and then press the OK button to save.

Once a PO has been acknowledged, this information is displayed in the Purchase Order List.

When viewing an acknowledged PO, the User and the date/time it was acknowledged is displayed.