Copy Parts from one Warehouse to Another Warehouse

This option is typically used when setting up a new Technician or Installer Warehouse.  You have the ability to copy the entire parts list from another warehouse into the currently viewed warehouse.  When this option is selected, a list of all active warehouses will be listed from which to select.  Using this option eliminates the process of having to access each individual part and linking the new warehouse to the part. 

Follow the instructions below.

1.   Open the newly created Warehouse Explorer.

2.   From the Warehouse Tree, click on the Parts option, right-click and select the Load Parts to Grid option.

3.   A grid form will be displayed containing no Parts.  At the bottom of the form is a drop-down field labeled "Load Parts From".  Click on the drop-down list and select the Warehouse from which to copy the list of parts for this new Warehouse.

4.   The Part grid will fill in with all the parts linked to the warehouse selected (in step 3).  If there are certain parts in the list that you do not want to be linked to the new warehouse, highlight the part row in the grid area then press the delete key on your keyboard.  If there are several parts that you want to remove from the list, highlight the first part row then hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard while highlighting additional part rows; press the delete key on your keyboard once all rows for deletion have been selected.  

You have one opportunity to remove un-wanted parts from the grid; if you do not delete any parts before saving you will not be able to remove the parts later.

5.   When finished with the Parts Grid, click the Save button located at the lower right of the form.  A confirmation message will be displayed asking if you are ready to save the parts in the grid;  click on the Yes button to proceed.

When finished, the Warehouse Explorer of the new warehouse will be displayed with the Parts added in the Active Pane.