Commission Report

The Commission Report* is designed to print a listing of commissions due to Salespersons for Jobs where Job 

Approvals were signed off in a particular Accounting Period range or a specific Date range.  This report only 

provides data for Jobs that are setup to use Job Approvals in the Job Type setup.

This is a custom report; total Install & Part Charges for a Job is displayed in one of three columns; Takeover (future development), Lease and Outright.  Amounts are displayed in the Lease column if the Lease option is selected for the Job Type in SedonaSetup.  If the Job Type Lease field is not selected, amounts are displayed in the Outright column.

Once the desired options have been selected on the report options form, click the OK button to display the report in Print Preview mode.

Report Selections

Approval Date - This option will default to the Current Accounting Period.   If a different Accounting Period or specific Date range is desired, select either the Accounting Period option or Dates option.  The User must select an Accounting Period range or Date range.  This is the date on which the Job was approved by a User.

Branches - The report default is to print data for all active Branches.  If it is desired to print the data associated with one or multiple Branches, you may select the checkbox to the left of each branch desired.

      · Hide Inactive Branches - If data is not to be listed for inactive Branches, select this option.