Understanding the EFT Processing Form

User permissions are required for access to the EFT Processing form.  Refer to the User Group Permission topic for details. To open this form, from the main application menu, expand the Accounts Receivable module menu, and then select the EFT Processing option.

The EFT Processing form was designed to serve multiple purposes:

  • Viewing transactions at their various statuses in the process
  • Manually submitting transactions
  • Voiding transactions
  • Entering new EFT transactions
  • Exporting a list of transactions to excel
  • Viewing customer disputes and the ability to upload documents related to a specific disputed transaction
  • Viewing automated transaction logs

The EFT Processing form is composed of three main components, the header section, the grid section, and the footer section.  Each of these sections are explained on the following pages.

Header Section

The Header section contains three main areas:

  • Filters
  • Information [Transaction summary]
  • Customer Actions (by your company)

Many of the options in the header section work in tandem with the Grid section of the EFT Processing form.

Each item in this section will be described below.

A. Filters – There are three fields in the Filters section: Merchant (Merchant ID), Process Date, and Branch.  Each of the filters is described below.

  • Merchant - When the EFT Processing form is initially displayed, the lowest number of your company’s Merchant ID’s is displayed in this field.  The selection in this field controls which transactions are displayed in the grid section of the EFT Processing form.  If your company is operating with multiple merchant accounts, you will need to make a selection in this field to see the transactions in the grid section, which are related to a specific Merchant ID.
  • Process Date – This filter field will default to today’s date.  This option controls which transactions are displayed in the grid section of the EFT Processing form.  Within the grid section, if you click on the Ready tab, only the transactions that have not yet been submitted with a date on or prior to the date entered into this field will be listed in the grid.  You may enter a date in the future into this field to see transactions that will be submitted beyond today’s date.
  • Branch – This option controls which transactions are displayed in the grid section of the EFT Processing form.  If your company is operating under multiple branches, and you only want to see the transactions for one particular branch, you may make a selection from the drop-down list.  If you do not make a branch selection, then all transactions for all branches for the Merchant ID will be displayed in the grid section

B. Payment Type – This option controls which transactions are displayed in the grid section of the EFT Processing form.  You may select either bank or credit card type transactions.

C. Information (related to transactions shown in the grid section) – When clicking on any tab within the grid section, the totals with be displayed in this area.

In the example below, we are on the Ready tab, and in the Filters area, we selected transactions with a process date of 02/26/2021 for bank type transactions.  The summary information shows us there are a total of 12 transactions with a total amount of $10,335.28 waiting to be submitted to Forte for funding.

D. Customer Actions – In this area, Users may create a new payment method for a customer, enter a new transaction for a customer or review a dispute by a customer by selecting the appropriate option in this section of the Payment Processing form.  Users will be asked to select the customer for whom they want to add a new payment method or enter a new transaction from the Customer Search form.  Please review the section “Payment Methods” within this reference guide for details on adding a credit card or bank draft to a customer. Please review the section on “Creating Individual Transactions” as well for specifics on using the New Transaction button.  Please review the section “Handling Disputes” for information on the Disputes button.

E. Tools – When clicking on the Tools tab, there are three possible options available:  View Service Log, View Card Update Log, and Export to Excel.  Each of these options is explained below.