Create a Stock Adjustment from a Part Explorer

To perform a Stock Adjustment,  from a Part Explorer, follow the steps below.

1.  Open the Parts Explorer for the part to be adjusted.

2.  From the Part Tree highlight the Warehouse where the stock is being adjusted; right-click and select the Stock Adjustment option. 

3.  The Stock Adjustment form will be displayed.  Enter the information into the data entry fields; all fields are required except for the Memo field.  Once all information has been entered, click the Save button at the lower right of the form.

Data Entry Fields

  • Adjustment Date - Enter the date on which the stock adjustment will be recorded to the General Ledger; this date must be in an open accounting period.
  • New Quantity - Enter the new total on-hand quantity in the Warehouse.  If any parts within the warehouse are out for repair, remember to include these quantities in the new on-hand quantity entered.
  • Value - If your company is using Standard Costing, this field may not be modified; the standard cost for the warehouse will be used to record the transaction amount.  If your company is using Average Costing, enter the total new value (if it needs to be changed) for the new on-hand quantity.
  • Account Code - Select the G/L Account to be used as the offset for the transaction.  If the new quantity is decreasing the on-hand quantity, the application will credit the inventory account for the warehouse and debit the G/L account selected in this field.  If the new on hand quantity is increasing, the application will credit the G/L account selected and debit the inventory account for the warehouse.
  • Category Code - Select the appropriate Category from the drop-down list.
  • Memo - You may enter an optional memo to describe why the stock adjustment is being performed.

Note:  If any information is entered into the Memo field:

  • For companies on SedonaOffice version 5, the information will not display in the Part Journal.
  • For companies on SedonaOffice version 6 and higher, the information will display in the Part Journal.

When finished and clicking on the Save button, a confirmation message will be displayed; click Yes to proceed with the Stock Adjustment.