Service and Inspection tickets which are not part of Group Tickets are now eligible to be automatically billed in bulk through batch billing.
For more information on Group Tickets, click on the link.
All resolved tickets that have an amount to be billed greater than $0.00 will be displayed in the batch billing queue.
Tickets may not be opened in the batch billing queue to view their contents.
The review process prior to billing must be accomplished within the individual Tickets.
Only one user may perform Ticket Batch Billing at any one time.
Users working outside of batch billing will be prevented from viewing any tickets in which there is a checkmark indicating that the ticket is ready to be billed.
Usergroup Permissions
Users that will be utilizing batch billing must be given the permission “Batch Billing” in their usergroup. Refer to SedonaSetup/User Groups / Application Access-SV area, "Batch Billing".
Batch Billing Queue
While viewing the Schedule Board, click on the Batch Billing icon located in the Arrangement Ribbon group.
While viewing a Ticket Queue, click on the Batch Billing option located in the Arrangement Ribbon group.