Labor Hours

This is a custom designed report for a specific SedonaOffice customer.  This report is designed to print Labor Hours performed on Jobs and/or Tickets.  

Job Labor

The hours printed for Job Labor is retrieved from timesheet records on the Job.   A timesheet record can be manually entered, or automatically created from the dispatching of a Job appointment.

Service Labor

Service labor hour data is retrieved from the service or inspection ticket appointment dispatch time entered.

Number of Hours

The number of labor hours appearing on this report for each dispatched technician appointment depends on whether labor hours are being calculated from the Dispatch Time to the Departure time or the Arrival Time to the Departure Time.   These settings are in SedonaSetup in the Install Company setup and the Service Level setup.

Report Selections

Date Range - You may select either the Created Date or the Work Date.  The Created Date is the date on which the departure time was entered on the technician dispatch form.  The Work Date is the date of the technician appointment.

This option will default to the Current Accounting Period.  If a different Accounting Period or specific Date range is desired, select either the Accounting Period option or Dates option.  Once an option is selected,  select an Accounting Period range or Date range.

Branches - The report default is to print data for all active Branches.  If it is desired to print the data associated with one or multiple Branches, you may select the checkbox to the left of each branch desired.

      · Hide Inactive Branches - If data is not to be listed for inactive Branches, select this option.

Technician - The report default is all Technicians.   If the data for only certain Technicians is desired, click the Invert Selection button, then check the box to the left of each Technician to be included in the report results.

· Hide Inactive Technicians - If data is not to be listed for inactive Technicians, select this option.


· Show Job Labor Hours - Selecting this option will include the Labor Hours for Jobs.  · Show Ticket Labor Hours

You may select Job Labor Hours only Service Labor Hours only or both.

· Show Details - If this option is selected, a line will print for each Job Timesheet or Ticket appointment that was fully dispatched.  If not selected, totals will print for each Technician for each unique Job Type (if the Show Job Type Totals option is selected) and a total for all Tickets.

        ·        Show Job Type Totals - If this option is selected, subtotals will print for each unique Job Type.

        ·      Show Technician Summary -

        ·      Show Branch Summary -

· Show Rates / Amounts - If this option is selected, the hourly rates and calculated labor dollars will print on the report.

· Show Task / Problem Code - If this option is selected, for Job labor, the Labor Task selected for the appointment or entered on the Job Timesheet will print.   For Ticket labor, the Problem Code associated with the ticket for the appointment will print.

The following pages will provide examples of variations of this report where different options selected.