SedonaSetup - AR - Item Type

An Item Type is a code assigned to each Invoice Item code, which enables the application to calculate and apply sales tax to the item on a customer invoice based on the type of service sold.  Most government agencies base sales tax calculations on a defined list of sold service types.  These types of sales are typically one of the following:  Inventory Parts, Non-Inventory Parts, Labor, Recurring Services, Non-Recurring Services.
The SedonaOffice software is delivered with a list of pre-defined Item Types; you may use these codes and create additional codes to handle complex sales tax situations, which may exist in a particular taxing jurisdiction. 

Do not delete the Item Types delivered with your software.

For information on How Sales Tax is Determined on customer invoices, follow the link.

Item Type Definitions
Below is a table which defines each Item Type that is delivered with the SedonaOffice database.  Your company may have different or more Item Types depending on your needs for the different types of services your company provides.