Jobs Over/Under Invoiced

This report is used to evaluate Jobs in process to determine whether journal entries need to be made to record revenue for Jobs that have been over or under billed.   This report only works where Work in Process is not being used.

This report looks at the estimated amounts of revenue and costs, and the actual revenue and costs posted as of the cut-off date of the report.  The report calculates the over or under invoiced amount based upon the percentage of the actual costs incurred to date.

For example:

The estimated revenue is $7,950.00.  The amount invoiced to date is $1,987.50.

The total estimated costs are $6,161.89.  The total actual costs to date are $4,181.38.

The percentage of actual costs vs estimated costs to date is 67.9%.

Multiply the estimated revenue times the percentage of costs expended to date to arrive at the amount that should have been invoiced to date.   $7,950.00. x 67.9% = $5,394.77

Subtract the total amount that should have invoiced to date from the total amount invoiced to date:

 $1,987.50 - $5,394.77 = ($3,407.25)

If the result is a negative amount, the Job has been under invoiced.  If the result is a positive amount, the Job has been over invoiced.

Report Selections

Branches - The report default is to print data for all active Branches.  If it is desired to print the data associated with one or multiple Branches, you may select the checkbox to the left of each branch desired.

      · Hide Inactive Branches - If data is not to be listed for inactive Branches, select this option.

Breakout Branches - If this option is selected and new page will begin with each unique Branch included in the report.   Totals will be displayed for each branch and grand totals for all branches will print on the last page of the report.

Salespersons - The default is to display data for All Salespersons.  If the data for only certain Salespersons is desired, you may check the box to the left of each Salesperson desired within the list.

        ·     Hide Inactive Salespeople - If data is not to be listed for inactive Salespersons, select this option.

Breakout Salesperson - If this option is selected, totals will be printed for each unique Salesperson.

Job Types - The report default is all Job Types.  If the data for only certain Job Types is desired, you may check the box to the left of each Job Type desired within the list.

        ·    Hide Inactive Job Types - If data is not to be listed for inactive Job Types, select this option.

Breakout Job Type - If this option is selected, totals will be printed for each unique Job Type .

As of Date - The report default is today's date.  The report will contain data for all Jobs open as of the date selected in this field.

Sort By - The report default is to sort by Job Number.   Other Sorting options available are Customer Name, Customer Number or Site Name.