Comparison Income Statement by Category

The Comparison Income Statement by Category Report is used to compare the balances in all Income Statement Accounts between up to four accounting period ranges.  There are two versions of this report Summary and Detail.

The Summary version will print totals for each Category within each account type.  The Detailed version will print totals for each unique GL Account within a Category for each account type.

This report has a branch option; if multiple branches are selected, a new report will print for each unique branch.

Once the desired options have been selected on the report options form, click the OK button to display the report in Print Preview mode.

Report Selections

Branch - The default is to display data for All Branches.   If the data for only certain Branches is desired, check the box to the left of each  Branch to be included.

· Hide Inactive Branches - If data is not to be listed for inactive Branches, select this option.

· Show Each Branch - If this option is selected, a new page will begin with each unique Branch.  Totals are printed after all data is printed for a Branch.  The last page of the report will print Totals by Branch and a Grand Total for all Branches.


Selecting either of the GL options below will generate the detailed version of this report.  If both of these options are not selected, then the Summary version of this report will be generated.

· Show GL Accounts - If this option is selected the GL Account Description will print

· Print GL Numbers - Select this option to print the G/L Account Number.  If the Show GL Accounts option is selected and this option is not selected, the GL Account Description will be printed.

Comparison Columns:

Reporting Period 1 - select a single Accounting Period range or a range of Accounting Periods for the first column to print on the report.

Reporting Period 2 - select a single Accounting Period range or a range of Accounting Periods for the second column to print on the report.

Reporting Period 3 - select a single Accounting Period range or a range of Accounting Periods for the third column to print on the report.

Reporting Period 4 - select a single Accounting Period range or a range of Accounting Periods for the fourth column to print on the report.

Report Selections