Return to Vendor

The Return to Vendor option is used when parts are being sent back to a Vendor and a credit is expected for the parts return.  

When a Part Return is saved, the G/L account assigned to the Warehouse selected on the Part Return form is credited and a debit is posted to the Inventory Receipts account.  When the Credit Memo is received from the Vendor, it is matched to the Part Return record and turned into a Vendor Credit.  Once the Vendor Credit is saved, the application will credit the Inventory Receipts account and debit Accounts Payable.

Follow the steps below to return a part to a Vendor.

1.  Navigate to the Main Application Menu and select the Return to Vendor option from the Inventory module.

2.  The Parts Return form will be displayed.  The data entry fields for this form will be described below.

Data Entry Field Definitions
The Parts Return form is comprised of three basic sections; the Header, the Body and the Footer.  The data entry fields within each section will be described below.

3.  Enter the appropriate information into the Header section of the Parts Return form.
Header Section
Type of Return - First select one of the two radio buttons; Direct Expense or Return from Warehouse.  Depending on which option is selected, different data entry fields will be displayed in the Header of the Parts Return form.  

  • The Direct Expense option would be used if the return is related to a Job or a Ticket and want to credit the job costing for the amount of the return.
  • The Return from Warehouse option would be used for parts removed from inventory to be returned to the Vendor.  This is typically used for your regular stock items.  However, if the part being returned was related to a Job or Ticket and the Job or Ticket has been closed, the part would need to be returned to a warehouse and then perform the Vendor return.
  • Vendor - Select the Vendor from the drop-down list to whom the parts are being returned.
  • Category - Select the appropriate Category Code from the drop-down list.
  • Reference - Typically the return authorization number provided by the Vendor is entered into this field.
  • Branch - This field will automatically fill in if a Warehouse is selected.
  • Warehouse - Select the Warehouse from which the parts are being removed from the drop-down list.
  • Receive Date - Enter the date the parts are being returned.
  • Costing - If the parts being returned to the Vendor are from a Job or Ticket and a return to stock transaction has not yet been performed to return the parts to the warehouse, entered the Job or Ticket number; otherwise do not make an entry into this field.

Body Section

4.   In the body of the Parts Return form select the part or parts being returned to the Vendor. 

In the Part Code field, either type in the exact part number or click the   button in the right of the field to search for and select the part.  Enter the quantity.  The cost will automatically fill in; if the cost is different than what is displayed, this may be changed.  If more than one unique part number is being returned, continue on to the next line and select the next part and quantity until all needed parts are listed.

Footer Section

5.   In the Footer section of the Parts Return form the User may enter a note into the memo field indicating why the part(s) is being returned.

6.  Once the Parts Return form has been completed you may want to print the return to be used as a packing list to enclose with the parts.  From the Main Function Button toolbar, click the Print Preview button.  The Part Return will appear in Print Preview mode; click the Print button to send the report to the printer.

7.  After printing, click the Save button located at the lower right of the Parts Return form.