To print a Job Ticket from a Job record, follow the instructions below.
1. From the Main Application Menu navigate to Job Management and select the Job Queue menu option.
2. The Open Job List will be displayed. Highlight the Job within the list then click the Open button located at the lower right of the form or double-click on the Job row.
3. Click the Work Order button on the Job Toolbar.
4. Once the Work Order is displayed, on the main application toolbar, click on the Print Preview button.
5. The Job Ticket Printing Preferences form will be displayed. Several options are available on this form; check the box to the left of each option you want to include on the report. When finished, click on the OK button located at the lower right of the form.
6. The Job Ticket will be displayed in preview mode. When ready to print, click on the Print & Close button on the left at the top of Print Preview window. If you want to save the Job Ticket as an electronic file, you may select from one of the five option buttons (PDF, Excel, RTF, Text, or HTML). If you decide you do not want to print the Job Ticket at this time, click the Close button located at the far right at the top of the Print Preview window.