Job Management


Job Management Overview and Topics
The Job Management module is probably the most complex module in the entire Sedona Office application and requires the most setup and planning prior to implementing.  The term Jobs in SedonaOffice typically refers to new system installations or maj...
Close a Job
Before closing a Job, there are several items which should be verified/reviewed prior to beginning the process.  Until you become quite familiar with all the contributing elements of a Job, it is a good idea to develop a check list of items to revie...
Job Phases Functionality
Job Phases Overview Job Phases was designed primarily as a resource-planning tool for Job labor and materials.  Job Phases are also used to determine which billable Install charges and/or Parts may be invoiced and when.  Each Job Type setup must ...
Job Queue
The Job Queue is a listing of all Jobs currently in process - this is basically your company's backlog of Jobs.  This listing is accessed from the Main Application Menu Job Management / Job Queue.  At the lower right of the list, the Total Open Inst...
Re-Open a Job
If a Job is closed, and it is later realized that additional costs or invoicing needs to be added to the Job, the Job may be re-opened for such purposes.  Keep in mind, this may affect Job Costing reports if the Job was closed in one month and cost...
Sales Reversal
Job Sales Reversal Overview The Sales Reversal function is used when a Job has been cancelled and your company will not be completing the Job.  Processing a Sales Reversal will created a Sales Reversal Change Order that will create negative a...
How to Pull a List of Jobs with Change Orders
The article will show how to use the Job Query Builder to pull all jobs that have had some type of Change Order done. Overview: The steps below will show what fields to use, criteria to use to pull records in a certain timeframe, and displ...
How to mark Commissions as Paid
You can Mark Commissions as Paid to remove a Job from a Commissions Report. If the Job is currently closed, then you will need to Re-open the Job.  This will only affect the Reporting and will not affect GL. Job – Custom Fields ...
How to Pull a List of Jobs with Change Orders
The article will show how to use the Job Query Builder to pull all jobs that have had some type of Change Order done. Overview: The steps below will show what fields to use, criteria to use to pull records in a certain timeframe, and displ...
How to Reverse Job RMR through a Reversal Change Order
After any change orders are entered on a job, any changes afterwards needs to be done by doing a change order.  This also applies when RMR either needs reversed or changed.  The following steps will guide you through the reversal process.  ...
How to Allow Costing to Closed Jobs
Issue: Customer is running into issues while attempting to add costing to jobs through bills and receiving a message that costing cannot be added to the closed job and wants to know why this is and how to resolve. Resolution: If...
How to Update a Job if it is Locked
Issue: The customer needs to make some changes to a job but it is locked. Resolution: The first thing to address is how was the job locked. There are several different ways that a job can be locked and some of them cannot be unlo...
How to Add New Install/RMR Options to the Job
Issue: Customer is trying to add a new line item to Installs or RMR but they are not able to add it as it is not available in the dropdown menu on the job. When they try to select a new Recurring Item or a n0ew Install Item, they’re only...
Resolving Error Closing Job - Error Checking for Parts Issued and Reconciled! 94 Invalid Use of Null
Issue: Receiving error when trying to close a job. Error received is “Error Checking for Parts Issued and Reconciled! 94 Invalid use of Null Resolution: Most commonly, this error is caused by missing part detail. You can u...
How to Add Additional Job Tasks to a Job
Sometimes jobs can require more Job Tasks to be done on them.  What happens when there are no additional tasks that can be added?  How can more be added to the job?  This article will go through the steps needed to add the additional tasks.  These s...
How to Delete a Job
Sometimes jobs are added to a wrong site or even system.  A question was asked, “Can I delete this job that is wrong?”  The answer is yes the job can be deleted.  The step below will show how to do this for SedonaOffice versions 6.2.x. Ov...