Generate MailMerge Letters-Collections

A Mail Merge letter may be generated from one of the active Collection Queues using a pre-designed template letter (see Creating a Template Letter).

Mail Merge letters are created from any one of the Collection Queues.  Users may generate a letter for a single customer, multiple customers, or all customers listed within the Collection Queue.

Follow the instructions below.

1.  From the main menu, navigate to Client Management / Collections.

2.  The Collections Profiles list will be displayed.  Double-click on the desired profile to open the collection queue.

3.  The Collection Queue will be displayed.  If you want to send a letter to a single customer, click on the customer's row within the grid area.

If you want to send a letter to multiple customers, click on a customer's row within the grid area, and then hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard and highlight other customer rows.

To send a collection letter to every customer in the grid area, click on the lightning bolt icon on the upper toolbar, and all customers will be highlighted.

4.  Once the customers have been selected, click on the MailMerge button on the upper toolbar.

5.  The Collection Templates list will be displayed.  Double-click on the desired letter template.

6.  A message will be displayed indicating the letters are being generated.  Depending on the number of customers selected within the collection queue, this may take some time.

7.  When the letter generation process is finished, a MSWord Document1 will display on the workstation windows tray.  Double-click on the Document1 to view and print the generated Mail Merge letter(s).

Below is an example Collection Letter generated by MailMerge.