Current Aging

The Current Aging Report will print an Accounts Receivable Aging report based on several criteria options available.  This report is a snapshot in time as of the time the report is generated.

Once the desired options have been selected on the report options form, click the OK button to display the report in Print Preview mode.

Note:  Make certain to Re-Age all your customers prior to running this report.  This can be done by clicking on the Statements option within the Accounts Receivable module.

Report Selections

Branch - The default is to display data for All Branches.   If the data for only certain Branches is desired, you may highlight the first Branch, then depress the CTRL key and highlight additional Branches within the list.

· Hide Inactive Branches - If data is not to be listed for inactive Branches, select this option.

Customer Status - The report default is All Customers.  Other options are All Active Customers, Active Recurring Only, Active Non-Recurring Only, and Cancelled Only.  The report will print aging information for the type of Customer selected in this field.

Sort By - The report default is to sort by Customer Name.   The other sorting options available are Customer Number and Net Due.  

Report Type - This option is used to specify the Summary or Detailed version of the report.  The default is to Show All Detail Records; you may select the alternate option of Show Summary Totals Only.

· Show All Detail Records

· Show Summary Totals Only


Show - The report default is All Customers.  Other options available are:

Customers with Balances <> 0

Customers with Balances = 0

Customers with Balances < 0

Customers with Balances > 0

Customers with Balances >= 0 Days Due

Customers with Balances >= 30 Days Due

Customers with Balances >= 60 Days Due

Customers with Balances >= 90 Days Due

Customers with Balances >= 120 Days Due

Show Customer RMR - If this option is selected, an additional column will be added showing the total monthly recurring revenue for each Customer.

Re-age All Customers - Selecting this option will re-age all Customers as a part of the report generation process.  It is recommended this option be selected.

Collection Queue - When this option is selected, only Customers in the selected Collection Queue will be listed on the report.   The User must select a Collection Queue from the drop-down list below the Collection Queue checkbox.  Only customers in the Collection Queue selected that meets the other above criteria options will be listed on the report.