How to Add Additional Job Tasks to a Job

Sometimes jobs can require more Job Tasks to be done on them.  What happens when there are no additional tasks that can be added?  How can more be added to the job?  This article will go through the steps needed to add the additional tasks.  These steps cover SedonaOffice version and above.


The steps needed to add these additional job tasks are predicated by the user having the correct permissions to be able to add new Job Tasks and be able to add those tasks to Job Types.


1.  Adding additional Job Tasks to a job

a. Adding additional Tasks to a job can be done by going into Tasks on the job – clicking New then click on the Job Task Drop Down.

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b. However, if you do not see what you need in the drop down, you will need to add it to the Job Type in the Job Tasks tab.  

2. First verify if the Job Task is even available to use.

a. Open Job Tasks in SedonaSetup – Look for the task needed – if not listed, click New and add the task and User Groups allowed to see task – Save

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b. Then click on Job Types – Open the Job Type that needs the new task added – Click on Job Task tab – Add the new task – Save – Apply

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3. Now go into the job – Job Task – New – add the new job task that was just added – Save

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4. These steps can be done for any task that is needed – Change Orders / Progressive Invoicing etc.