How to Add a Manual Payment Batch

There are times when SedonaOffice will not get transaction information about EFT payments back from Forte.   When this happens a manual payment batch will need to be entered to account for that transaction.  Steps below are using SedonaOffice version 6.2.0.x.


The steps below assume the user has the correct permissions to perform the required steps below.


1. Open Payment Processing under Accounts Receivable

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2. In the Payment Processing Batches window – Click on New button

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3. When the New Batch Information window opens – Fill in Batch Date – Description – Tape Total – Then click Save Button

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4. The new Payment Batch will now show in the list for the Batch Date that was entered.   Double-click on that batch to open.

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5. When the Payment Processing Window opens – Fill in the Customer number – Memo – Full Amount to be paid – Payment Method – Either Auto Apply or manually fill in the amounts to be paid on invoices

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If there are any amounts left over – Click on the Other tab to apply the balance to Unapplied Cash to use later – Click on Save

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6. The Payment Processing pop up will open – If ready to deposit the new payment batch – Click Yes if not ready yet then Click No

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7. Once ready to deposit the Payment Batch – Select the batch and click on Deposit

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8. Open the customer the payment was for and now the invoice(s) will show as paid and any overage will show as unapplied cash on the account to be used later

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