Handling EFT Disputes

Consumers can dispute an EFT charge for one of the following reasons:

  • Unauthorized purchases arising from fraud
  • Billing errors
  • Quality issues with goods or service

Each day Visa, MasterCard, and Discover issuers submit a disputes file to Forte containing new and updated disputes from their cardholders. SedonaOffice will capture the disputes pertaining to each merchant id number and enable the user to review the status of the dispute. The user may view disputes within Accounts Receivable-EFT Processing by pressing the Disputes button in the Tools section.

Users will be able to view disputes within SedonaOffice, but they must act on the items directly with Forte outside of SedonaOffice.

Pressing the Sync button in the upper right-hand corner of the form will bring in the latest information received from Forte on disputes for the merchant id displayed.

When a dispute is received by Forte, it immediately goes into a Documents Needed status. Double-clicking on the dispute enables it to be opened to view the latest details on the dispute.

The Documents tab enables the user to see a list of documents that have been attached to the dispute.

SedonaOffice does not have the ability to open these documents for review, but users do have the ability to upload new documents by clicking on the Upload button.

Customers may upload a document under 10MB in size in one of the following file formats:

  • .jpeg
  • .png
  • .tiff
  • .txt
  • .bmp
  • .pdf