Create a Pensoft Export File

The creation of the payroll export file is performed from the Pensoft application.  All setup within Pensoft must be completed prior to the creation of the export file.  Refer to the topic Pensoft Setup for detailed instructions.

Follow the instructions below to create the export file.

Pensoft - Create Export File

1.  From the Pensoft application select the Export button from the Pensoft option buttons.

2.  The Export Data form will be displayed.  Select the Custom Export option from the list then click the OK button to the right.

3.  The Export to Custom Export form will be displayed.  In the Export File field, select the location of where the export file will be created and saved.  The file name must be payroll.dat.

Once the file location has been selected, click the Create File button in the upper right of the form.  A report preview of the number of records exported will be displayed.  Click the Close button on the report preview when finished.

The file is now ready to be imported into SedonaOffice.