

Create a Pensoft Export File
The creation of the payroll export file is performed from the Pensoft application.  All setup within Pensoft must be completed prior to the creation of the export file.  Refer to the topic  Pensoft Setup for detailed instructions. Follow the instr...
Import Payroll
Pensoft Pensoft is a stand-alone payroll application that may be purchased through SedonaOffice. Once a Payroll has been completed in Pensoft, SedonaOffice offers the option of importing the payroll data into Journal Entries into SedonaOffice....
Import Pensoft Payroll File
To import a previously created Pensoft export data file into SedonaOffice, follow the instructions below. 1.  Navigate to the Payroll Interface module from the SedonaOffice Main Application Menu and select the Import menu option. 2.  The Import Pa...
Pensoft setup
Employee Setup When setting up Employee records, the Employee Number  field must be set to a valid Category  Code from SedonaOffice. The creation of the payroll export file is performed from the Pensoft application.  All setup within Pen...