Parts Explorer

The Part Explorer is used to view the most current information related to a Part.  Transaction history for various functions is viewable and many inventory type transactions may be performed directly from the Part Explorer.  This form is divided into four panes of information; the Part Tree, Part Setup Information, Warehouse Information, and the Active Pane.  Each of these panes is defined on the next page.

For companies that have not activated Stock Tracking, the Parts Explorer is not available.

Part Tree
The Part Tree is used to view transactional history for a part and perform certain functions related to the part.  For detailed information for each of the Part Tree options, refer to the links near the bottom of this article.

Part Setup Information

The Part Setup Information pane displays most of the information contained within the Part Detail form of the Part Setup.  

Warehouse Information

The Warehouse Information pane displays the current setup information, on-hand quantities, and total on-hand value of the part for the warehouse that is highlighted on the Part Menu Tree.  When the Part Explorer is first opened, the primary warehouse information is displayed in this pane.  The primary warehouse is designated in SedonaSetup and will be displayed in a blue font on the Part Tree.

Active Pane

When the Part Explorer is first opened, all open Purchase Orders and Repair Orders will be displayed in this pane.  As you highlight an option on the Part Tree, the Active Pane will display the information available for the selected option.  When certain Part Tree options are selected, you are able to drill down into the information displayed in the Active Pane such as Purchase Orders, Purchase Credits, Receipts, Repair Orders and others.

The Part Tree
The Part Menu Tree is comprised of two major sections; the Part and Warehouse Information/Activity section and the Part Information/Activity section.  When expanding the tree of one Warehouse, a list of options for the warehouse is displayed.  As each option within the Warehouse tree is selected, the Active Pane will display activity information available for that particular warehouse. 
Below the Warehouses list on the tree are many of the same tree options that are displayed within a Warehouse menu tree; when these tree options are selected, the information displayed in the Active Pane is the cumulative information for all Warehouses for the Part. 
Follow the links below for detailed information related to each Part Menu Tree section.