Service Ticket Status

This report was previously named Service Ticket Summary.

This is a custom designed report for a specific SedonaOffice customer.  This report has multiple reporting capabilities.  This report will display information for Tickets that are currently open or closed during a specified date range.

Report Selections

Ticket Status – You may choose Open Tickets or Closed Tickets, and the date range for which you wish to report on.

Options - In the options section, you may select one or many types of tickets to include on the report.  Click on the radio button to the left of each ticket type to be included in the report.

·     Show only Service Tickets - gives you tickets that are not inspections and are not for a third party service provider.

·     Show only Inspection Tickets - gives you tickets that are inspections and are not for a third party service provider.

·     Show only Vendor Service Tickets - gives you tickets that are not inspections and are for a third party service provider.

·     Show only Vendor Inspection Tickets - gives you tickets that are inspections and are for a third party service provider.

·     Show all of the above - does not limit the results by ticket verses inspection ticket or who the service company is on the ticket.

Group By – You have the ability to add a group to this report.   You may group by the following fields:

        ·     (None)

        ·     Branch

        ·     Problem

        ·    Service Company

        ·     Service Level

        ·     Technician

Sort By – You can choose to sort service tickets within the Group By option you selected by the following fields:

        ·     Creation Date

        ·    Customer Number

        ·     Site Name

        ·     Ticket Number

Branches – By default, this list is set to show only active branches.  To show all branches in the list, uncheck Hide Inactive Branches.

Only service tickets for sites belonging to the selected branches will be included.

Technicians – By default, this list is set to show all technicians who are employees.  To show only active employees in the list, check     Hide Inactive Technicians.

             If you select Show only Vendor Service Tickets, the list of technicians will change to only third party service providers.

             If you select Show all of the above, the Technicians list will include employees and third party service providers.

Service Companies – By default, this list is set to show only your active service companies.  To show all of your service companies in        the list, uncheck Hide Inactive Service Companies.

             If you select Show only Vendor Service Tickets, the list of service companies will change to only third party service providers.

             If you select Show all of the above, the list of service companies will include your service companies and third party service             providers.