Performing a Physical Inventory

Follow the steps below to perform a Physical Inventory for a Warehouse.

Count Day - Create the Physical Inventory Records
On the day of or the evening before the count, you will create the Physical Inventory record for each warehouse being counted.  The date selected on the Physical Inventory record will be the date the warehouse becomes locked.  No transactions may be processed until the Physical is released.

When creating the Physical Inventory record, make certain to select the desired sorting options.  This is the order in which the parts will print on the count sheets and be displayed in the data entry form when entering the actual parts counted.  There are three sorting option levels from which to select.

1.  Navigate to the Main Application Menu and select the Physical Inventory\Adjustments option from the Inventory module.

2.  The Physical List form will be displayed; click the New button located at the lower right of the form.

3.  The Physical Edit form will be displayed.  This form is divided into two tabs; Setup Information and Parts.  Both forms will be described on the next page.  

Data Entry Fields

Fill and make selections from drop-down list fields on the Setup Information form.

  • Code - Enter a code for this physical count.  This must be a unique value and may not be re-used.  An example would be the count date followed by the warehouse code.
  • Description - This field will auto fill with the code assigned in the previous field; this may be modified if desired.
  • Warehouse - Select the Warehouse to be counted from the drop-down list.
  • Start Date - Enter the date the Warehouse will become locked for the count.
  • Lock Warehouse - This option will automatically be selected; do not un-check this option.
  • Sort Count Sheet By - Select the three sort order options.  These selections control the order in which the parts will print on the count sheets and be displayed in the data entry form when entering the actual parts counted.  The Sort choices are: part code, description, detail description, product line, row, shelf, bin.  Each sort field must contain a different value.
  • Print Value on Variance - Check this box so that when viewing the variance report, you may see the dollar value of the variance.
  • Print Quantity on Sheet - Typcially this box is left un-checked.  If this box is checked, when printing the counts sheets, the on-hand quantity show in SedonaOffice will print.  Since you probably want this to be a blind count, do not check this box.
  • File Skipped Parts As Zero Quantity - If this box is checked, it is not necessary to enter 0 next to all parts for which you do not have a count.  Leaving a zero in the count column will automatically generate a new on-hand count of zero for the part and a dollar variance will be created  if zero count differs from the count that SedonaOffice calculated prior to the inventory.  

Once all of the above information has been entered, click the   button located to the right of the Lock Warehouse field.

4.  The Parts form will be displayed listing all the Parts to count within the Warehouse.  Click the Save button located at the lower right of the form.

5.  You will be returned to the Physical List form where the new Physical Inventory record will be displayed in the list.

6.  To print the Count Sheets, click once on the Physical Inventory record from the Physical List.  Click the Sheets button located at the bottom of the Physical List.

7.  The Counts Sheets will be displayed in Preview mode.  Click the Print button located on the upper toolbar to send the Count Sheets to the printer.

Entering Part Counts
8.   Once the physical count has been performed, the actual counts will be entered into the Count Sheet form.  To enter the counts, open the Physical Inventory List; double-click on the Physical Inventory record where counts will be entered.

 Multiple Users may be entering counts into the same Physical Inventory record at the same time to expedite the data entry process.

9.   The Physical Counts form will be displayed.  Prior to entering any counts, read the Physical Counts form options section on the next page.
Enter the actual number of parts counted into the +/- column of the form.  When finished entering all counts click the Save button located at the lower right of the form.  If you do not have time to enter all the counts during one session, save the counts then return to the form to continue entering additional counts.