RMR Distribution

The RMR Distribution Report is a snapshot in time report which will display the total active recurring line amounts by Cycle Date and Billing Cycle.  This report is calculated from the monthly recurring amount on each active recurring line.  

  If the recurring line has not yet billed and the first cycle will be prorated, the total monthly amount will be included on this report.  This report will not balance to other RMR reports.

Once the desired options have been selected on the report options form, click the OK button to display the report in Print Preview mode.

Report Selections

Report Selection - There are three selections available; Branch, Item and Category.  The report will be grouped and subtotaled by the option selected in this field.  When the Report Selection is changed, all other options on the Report Selection form change to options related to the Report Selection.

Branch - If the Report Selection option of Branch is selected, you may select All Branches or particular branches by selecting the checkbox to the left of the desired Branches.

·       Show Each Branch - Selecting this option will print subtotals for each unique Branch.  When this option is selected the next    three options are available for selection.

· Group by Period then Branch - Selecting this option will print each Month/Year, then a row with amounts for each unique       Branch and then display subtotals for each Month/Year.

·       Display Branch Codes - Selecting this option will print the Branch Code instead of the Branch Description.

      ·       Hide Branches with no RMR

Item - If the Report Selection option of Item is selected, you may select All Item Codes or particular Item Codes by selecting the checkbox to the left of the desired Item Codes.

·       Show Each Item - Selecting this option will print subtotals for each unique Item Code.  When this option is selected the next three options are available for selection.

      ·       Group by Period then Item

      ·       Display Item Codes

      ·       Hide Items with no RMR

Category - If the Report Selection option of Category is selected, you may select All Categories or particular Categories by selecting the checkbox to the left of the desired Categories.

·       Show Each Category - Selecting this option will print subtotals for each unique Category Code.  When this option is selected the next three options are available for selection.

      ·       Group by Period then Category

      ·       Display Category Codes

      ·       Hide Categories with no RMR