How to Print Invoices with an Invoice Number Range

Using the Accounts Receivable/Print Invoices function, Invoices that are or are not currently in the Print Queue may be printed using a range of invoice numbers.  There is an important factor to remember when using invoice number ranges:

  • If a Customer has the Print Cycle Invoices (on the Customer Setup) set to "off", they will always be excluded from the printing list.  The only way to print invoices for this type of situation would be to turn on the Cycle Invoice Print flag on the customer record, print the invoices, then turn the flag back off when finished printing.

1.   Navigate to Accounts Receivable / Print Invoices.  Select the desired Invoice Number range.  If you want to print all invoices within that number range, make certain to un-check the "Only Invoices in Print Queue" option. 
2.   Click the Create List button located at the lower right of the form once you have made you selections.
In the example below, we have select all invoices between 1130160 and 1130180.  This will provide a list of all invoices within my selected range.

3.   The Invoice List will be displayed with the Invoices that met your criteria selection.  Select the appropriate printing form then click the Preview button.  If the invoice form selected has printing options available, then the Printing Preferences form will first be displayed to make your selections.  Click OK on the Printing Preference form once you have made your selections.

4.  The selected invoices will be displayed in the Invoice Preview form.  When ready to send the invoices to the printer, click the Print & Close button located on the upper left toolbar.  A confirmation message will be displayed asking you if the  invoices printed correctly and should be marked as printed.  Wait until all of the invoices have finished printing, then click the Yes button to confirm.