Export Statements to Sebis

Follow the steps 1 through 4 in the article How to Generate Statements, and then continue with the steps below.

Once the Statements have been generated, click on the BFIS Export button.

The Export Wizard will be displayed.  Click on the Next button located at the lower right of the form.

The Export Progress bar will be displayed - be patient, this may take a little time if you have a large number of statements to produce.  Once the file has been completed, you will see the words "Export Completed" appear below the progress bar; click on the Close button located at the lower right of the form.

The Batch Manager form will be displayed.  Click on the Upload button located at the top of the form.

The Upload File form will be displayed.  Click on the Send button; this will send the print file to Sebis.  A message will be displayed once the upload has successfully completed.  The Uploaded field will fill in with the upload date.

The last step is to mark the batch as printed.  You may minimize the Batch Manager form then return to the form once you receive an email from Sebis confirming the file was received.  Click on the Printed button located at the top of the Batch Manager; today's date will fill into the Confirmed field.