AR Aging by Effective Date

The AR Aging by Effective Date report calculates the accounts receivable aging on the fly using an “as of” date.  The results of this report is not being stored, so re-running this report for a previously aged period may provide different results.  This report is designed to be an alternative to the AR Retroactive Aging Report, and due to the way it is designed, this report will run much faster.

Report Selections

Branches – By default, this lists all branches.  To show only active branches in the list, check Hide Inactive Branches.

Show Each Branch will group the results by branch and provide subtotals for each branch.  By default, the report uses Customer Branch unless Use Branch at Invoice Level is selected.

Sort By – By default, this report sorts by Customer Name.   You may choose to sort by Customer Number.

As of Date – Defaults to the current date.  This is the date you are aging as of.  You can enter any valid date.  This report will work as a retroactive, current or future aging.

Customer Status – You can age customers with a specific customer status.  A list of customer status included in the report is listed in the report’s selection criteria at the end of the report.  If all of the Customer Status options are unchecked, the OK button is disabled.

Invoice Type – If all invoice types are selected, the report will include credits.  If all of the invoices types are

unchecked, the OK button is disabled.  If you choose to exclude any invoice type, Unapplied Credits, Unapplied Cash will not be included in the report.

If Job invoices are selected, advanced deposits are always included.  The option to age credits will be available for advanced deposits even if other credits are excluded.  If Job Invoices is not selected, Advanced Deposits will not be included in the report. 

Invoice and Credit Detail – If this option is selected, each invoice and credit included in the report will be displayed along with a subtotal for each customer.

Use Branch at Invoice Level – If this option is selected, the branches selected in the Branches box will be applied to the individual transaction and not each customer.