Print Purchase Orders

The Print Purchase Orders function is used to print several Purchase Orders at the same time.  The Purchase Order Report form is accessed by navigating to the Main Application Menu and selecting the Print Purchase Orders option from the Accounts Payable module. 

This form has several options available for selecting which Purchase Orders will be printed.  The options on this form are described below. 

The Purchase Order Printing options are divided into several sections on the Purchase Order Criteria form.  The printing options will be described by group and the options within each group.

In this section you may select to print purchase orders for selected branches and/or warehouses.  By default, the All branches and All Warehouses are selected. 
If you prefer to print the purchase orders for all warehouses for a single branch, then click the Invert Selection button the check the box to the left of the Branch.  
If the Purchase Orders for just one or multiple branches are to be printed, click on each Branch to be included. 

You may select only Open PO's, only Closed PO's or both by selecting the desired options. 
The options determine whether you want to print PO's that are being received into a Warehouse or PO's that are being Direct Expensed.  You may select one or both options.

By default, the All Vendors option is selected. If the Purchase Orders for just one or multiple Vendors are to be printed, click on each Vendor to be included.
PO Date 
If you want to print Purchase Orders within a certain date range, then enter the from and thru date range.
You may select one or multiple Types of Purchase Orders to be printed; Purchase Orders for Service Tickets, Jobs or Purchase Orders that are not linked to Jobs or Service Tickets.  Check the box to the left of each PO Type to be printed.
Sort By 
By default, the order in which the Purchase Orders will be sent to the printer is in PO Number order.  There are additional sort options available by clicking on the drop-down arrow in the Sort By field.  Other sort options are: Vendor, Warehouse, Order Date and Due Date.

Once you have selected all the desired options on the Purchase Order Criteria form, the Purchase Orders [List] will be displayed. 

Review the list of selected PO's to print.  If there are any PO's on the list that you do not want to print at this time, un-check the box to the left of those Purchase Orders. 

When ready to print, click on the Print Preview Button at the top of the form if you want to review the Purchase Orders before sending them to the printer, or click on the Printer button to send the selected list of PO's directly to the printer.