Check Disbursement

The Check Disbursement Report will list the G/L Accounts (expense) affected for checks that were printed within an accounting period range or date range, for a single Bank Account.  Total check amounts for each unique G/L account is listed on this report.  The G/L Accounts shown on this report is the debit side of an A/P Check transaction; the credit side is reducing the Bank Account balance.

This report provides an option, Include Check Register; if selecting this option, the individual checks and amounts which support the totals by G/L Account are listed by the A/P Check Number and the Pay To (Vendor or Customer).

Note 1: This report was designed by a SedonaOffice Customer to meet a particular set of specifications.  Changes to this report may not be made without the prior consent of the customer that commissioned SedonaOffice for the report design.

Note 2:  If your company is using Work-in-process (WIP) accounts and the check is linked to a Job or Ticket, check amounts will be listed under the WIP G/L account for the Job or Ticket, and not the actual expense or COGS account number.

Report Selections

Date Range - One of the two following options must be selected to determine what data will be displayed on the report.

· Accounting Period - Select a single accounting period range, or multiple accounting period range.

· Dates - Select a beginning and ending date range for the list of payments to be displayed on the report.

Bank Account - Select the desired Bank Account from the drop-down list.

Branch - The report default is to print data for all active and inactive Branches.  If it is desired to print the data associated with one particular Branch, click on the drop-down list to highlight the desired branch.

Include Check Register - Selecting this option will print the checks supporting the totals by G/L Account at the beginning of the report.