To generate a Vendor Credit from the return of a part, follow the instructions below.
1. Navigate to the Main Application Menu and select Accounts Payable/Vendors. Open the desired Vendor Explorer record.
2. From the Vendor Explorer highlight the Returns option from the Vendor tree.
3. In the Active Pane, double-click the Return record for which a Credit is being entered.
4. The Parts Return form will be displayed. At the upper right of the form, select the Create Vendor Credit checkbox, then press the Save button located at the lower right of the Parts Return form.
5. The Credit form will be displayed and populated with the part information from the Return record. If the unit cost is different from the amount automatically filled in, you may modify the cost.
If there are expense items such as shipping charges that are also being credited, navigate to the Expense tab and enter the appropriate information.
The Total field at the bottom of the Credit form keeps track of all amounts entered on the parts or expense tab; if changes are made to the part cost and/or expenses, you must change the Amount in the header of the Credit form. You will not be able to save the Credit if the Amount in the Header is not equal to the Total field.
6. If a document needs to be attached to the Vendor Credit, press the Apply button then navigate to the Documents tab and either scan in and attach a document or add an existing saved document. If no documents are being attached, proceed to step number 7.
7. Press the Save button when finished. The Vendor Credit is now posted to the Vendor account and is available for applying to Bills during the Pay Bills process.