Vendor Credits


Delete a Vendor Credit
A Vendor Credit may be deleted with some limitations.    All Vendor Credits The only Credits which may be deleted are those where: The Credit has not be fully or partially applied to Bills And where the Credit Date is in an open accounting pe...
Enter a Manual Vendor Credit
A Manual Vendor Credit may only be created for expense items.  You must perform a Vendor Return to be able to create a Vendor Credit for Parts.  To generate a manual Vendor Credit, follow the instructions below.  1.  A new Vendor Credit may be ent...
Edit a Vendor Credit
A Vendor Credit may be edited with some limitations.  Vendor Credits for Parts Only or Parts & Expense Items In the Parts section of the Credit form, only the unit cost may be changed.  Additional parts may not be added nor may the part numbers or...
Enter a Vendor Credit from a Part Return
To generate a Vendor Credit from the return of a part, follow the instructions below.  1. Navigate to the Main Application Menu and select Accounts Payable/Vendors.  Open the desired Vendor Explorer record.  2. From the Vendor Explorer highlight t...
Vendor Credits Overview and Topics
A Vendor Credit is a Credit Memo provided to your company from a Vendor.  A Vendor Credit may be the result of a part returned to the Vendor, an invoicing error on behalf of the Vendor or perhaps a Vendor Rebate or Referral Credit.  Vendor Credits t...
How to Apply Vendor Credit
Applying vendor credits on a vendor will be shown in the steps below. The steps cover SedonaOffice version and above. Overview The steps below are assuming the correct permissions are given to perform all the steps.  The vendor ex...