Credit Off Invoice

The Credit Off Invoice option allows a User to credit off the entire balance of an invoice; this function will create a Credit Memo using the same Invoice Items and/or Parts that were used on the invoice being credited-off.  The Credit Memo is then automatically applied to the invoice to pay off the entire invoice.  When using this option, you do not have the opportunity to immediately enter a note in the Memo field or select a Credit Reason for the Credit Memo.  If notes are needed, the you may re-open the Credit Memo automatically generated, enter the note in the memo field then re-save.  User permissions (SedonaSetup/User Group Security/AR/Edit existing transactions) are required to edit a Credit Memo after it has been saved.

A User with the proper security permissions may Credit Off the entire balance of an invoice.  When performing this function, the application will create a Credit Memo using the same Invoice Items and/or parts that were on the invoice being crediting-off.  The Credit Memo is then automatically applied to the invoice to pay off the entire invoice.   To credit off the entire balance of an invoice follow the steps below.

Note:  If payments or credits have previously been applied to the invoice, the process is different from what is described on this page.  Refer to the topic Credit Off a Partially Paid Invoice for instructions.

  1. Open the Customer Explorer for the customer for which the Credit Off feature will be used.   In the Active Pane under the heading of Open Invoices, highlight the Invoice to be credited off; right-click and select the Credit Off Invoice option.
  2. A message will be displayed asking the User if you are sure you want to credit off the balance of the invoice.  Click the Yes button to accept.