RMR Cycle Analysis

This is a custom designed report for a specific SedonaOffice customer.  

There are two Report Styles available for this report; Next Cycle Date and In Force.   When selecting the Next Cycle Date report style, all active recurring lines with a Next Cycle Date less than or equal to the Cycle Month/Year selected will be displayed on the report.  

When selecting the In Force report style, all active recurring lines with a Next Cycle Date equal to or greater than the Cycle Month/Year selected will be displayed on the report.  

This report may be generated by Customer Branch or by Site Branch.

A new page will begin for each unique branch, and subtotals for each branch are printed on the last page for each branch.  Grand totals for the report are printed on the last page.

Note:  This report does not account for future cycle start dates and future cancellation dates.  The cycle amount is based on a standard cycle and does not account for prorated amounts.

Report Selections