Rate Change with Item Codes Overview and Topics

Using the Item Codes method on the Company Rate Change form provides several options for selecting which customer recurring lines to include in the rate change batch.  You may select to perform a rate increase or a rate decrease.  You may select to increase (or decrease) recurring rates by a flat dollar amount, a fixed dollar amount, or a percentage rate.  

The Fixed Dollar Amount option is used when you want to increase the monthly rate to a fixed amount based on the current rate on the recurring line.  For example, if you set the Fixed dollar amount to $35.00 on the Rate Increase Setup form, you could specify to only increase recurring lines where the current monthly rate is between $31.01 and $34.99 per month.  Further, you could specify which item codes this new rate would affect; it may be one item code or multiple item codes.

The Flat Dollar Amount option is used when you want to increase the monthly rate by a particular amount on each eligible recurring line.  For example, if you set the Flat dollar amount to $2.50 on the Rate Increase Setup form, and you specify to only affect recurring lines where the current monthly rate is between $31.01 and $34.99 per month.  Further, you may specify which item codes this new rate would affect.  In this example, if the current rate of the recurring line is $32.00 per month, the new rate would be $34.50 per month ($32.00 + $2.50).

Other options are to include recurring lines with a minimum monthly amount and/or a maximum monthly amount.  You may select customer types Residential, Commercial, or both customer types.

Another option is to import a list of customer numbers from a .csv file.  This imported customer list may be used as the basis of customers to be included or excluded from the Company Rate Change batch.  The Import customer list method is used in conjunction with Item Codes to determine which Items will be increased and by what amount or rate.

If using an imported customer list as the basis for including customers, only the customers on the list with eligible recurring lines will be included in the Company Rate Change batch.  If selecting the option of excluding customers who are on the imported list, any recurring lines associated with a customer on the list will be excluded from the Company Rate Change batch.

With the Item Codes method, the program selects recurring lines based on certain data stored at the customer, system, and recurring line levels.  

          *  Customer – OK To Increase the date

          *  System – OK To Rate Increase After date

          *  System – Contract Date                                       

          *  Recurring Line – Renewal (date)

          *  Recurring Line – Rate Increase (date)                    

          *  Recurring Line – Invoice Item