The User performing the Cycle Invoicing process should close other software applications prior to beginning and not open any new applications until the process is finished. Important Notes:
- No Users should be completing any customer cancellations or be making any changes to recurring lines while the cycle invoice generation process is in progress.
- Any un-posted cycle batches must be posted or deleted prior to beginning a new batch.
To begin the Cycle Invoicing process, follow the steps below.
Generating the Cycle
To begin the Cycle Invoicing process for Master Accounts, follow the steps below.
1. Navigate to the Client Management / Master Account Management menu option and select the Cycle Invoicing button located at the lower left of the Master Account List.
2. Enter Selection Information - The Master Account Cycle Invoicing form will be displayed. This form is used to select which Master Accounts/Branches will be searched for billable recurring lines. The form is divided into two tiers; the upper tier displays a list of all Master Accounts and the lower tier displays a list of all branches. The User may select one, multiple or all of the Master Accounts from the upper tier to create a cycle, or select one or multiple branches from the lower tier and one or multiple Master Accounts from the upper tier list. If the User makes selections from the branch list in the lower tier, at least one Master Account must be selected from the Master Account List in the upper tier. The User will need to make selections or enter information into the following fields of this form.
Month – This is a drop-down list from which the User must select which month/year is going to be cycled.
Invoice Date – Enter or select a date using the calendar icon; this will be the date that is used to determine sales tax and will become the invoice posting date.
Invoice Group – The default is Invoice Group "0". If you company has created and is using other invoice groups (saved on each recurring line), each group must be invoiced in a separate batch.
Description – This will default to the Month/Year being cycled. The User may change this description or leave the default description. If the User is cycling a single Master Account the description may be modified to include the Master Account name and month/year being cycled for reference purposes.
Include Customers with Bill Day – If your company recurring line setup is not billing from the beginning of each month, the User may select a particular bill day from the drop-down list. Only recurring lines with a bill day equal to or less than the value selected will be considered for the cycle. If the recurring lines setup is always to bill on the first of the month, then leave this value set to 28.
Exclude Accounts Already Cycled – By selecting this option, any Master Accounts selected from the list will be excluded if they have already been cycled for the period selected to be cycled. When this option is left unchecked, if the customer has already been cycled and any recurring lines are eligible to be invoiced, the customer will receive another cycle invoice for the same billing period with the additional charges.
All Masters – Checking this box will select all Master Accounts on the list. If it is desired to cycle selected Master Accounts, the User will select this checkbox then un-check the box to the left of each Master Account that will not be cycled or leave this box un-checked then select only the Master Accounts to include in the cycle.
When finished making your selections, click the Save button located at the lower right.
A window will be displayed showing the progess of the cycle generation.
The remainder of the process is the same a Cycle Invoicing for Non-Master Accounts. Refer to steps 4 through 8.